Branded Merchandise to Grow Your Podcast Audience

The response to my last blog post has been coming in, and I put on my thinking cap for even more tips you can implement. So, I wanted to swing back with my additional thoughts!

When promoting your podcast, you can use plenty of strategies to get the word out. From paid advertising to guest appearances on other shows, there are many ways to attract new listeners and build your audience.

Exploring more grassroots marketing

One simple and effective way to promote your podcast is by creating branded merchandise that you can wear or carry with you wherever you go. Yes, I am talking about podcast swag!

T-shirts, bumper stickers, reusable shopping bags – you are only limited by your imagination (and perhaps your budget). But even one shirt with a fun slogan can capture the attention of many.

The key to making your podcast swag work is to come up with a catchy message that will spark conversations and pique people's interest.

Use My Ideas to Get Started


You can make them at home or use a service like CustomInk or Zazzle. Your shirt can say something like:

Do I sound familiar?
Yes, I am the host of [insert your podcast show name].
Listen in at [insert your URL or platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, etc.]

If you have a distinctive voice or have made appearances on other podcasts or videos, this message is a great way to leverage that recognition. It's also a confident and upbeat statement that will excite people to check out your show.

Bumper Stickers

Honk if you listen to podcasts! 

Hey, listen to my podcast (TITLE) on Spotify & Apple Podcasts too!

This is a simple message that lets people know who you are and where they can find your show. Just don’t be surprised if more and more people start honking at you!

Reusable bags

Bags are two-sided, so you have even more design real estate to have some fun!

Side One: “Everything I know, I learned from a podcast.”
Side Two:  Include your podcast logo and how to find your show. Use the bag at the grocery store, the gym, or any other public place, and you're sure to get curious looks and questions.

Show off your swag with confidence and a sense of humor. You'll surely start some fun and exciting conversations. Of course, these are just a few ideas to get you started.

The key is to have fun with your podcast swag and develop a message that reflects your personality and the value of your show. 
