The Inspired Entrepreneur's Guide - Pre-Launch!

UPDATE: JUST 2 Spots Left! Woohoo! The pre-launch for my eBook The Inspired Entrepreneur's Guide is here. Seriously, I can't tell you how excited I am about this announcement.  Even more exciting is that I am running a private beta group for the book and a special Facebook Group. There are currently 5 spots left!

The reason I created the group is to get feedback about the guide, potentially make some tweaks to content and most importantly fine-tune the Facebook group.  What gets me super pumped about the private beta is the fact that I will be connecting with 8 people that are open to learning more about themselves and thereby sending positive vibes into the world. All beta-testers get 2 consulting emails with me too, which means I will be their mentor of sorts. That is truly invigorating!

What a beta tester gets:  - a PDF digital download of my guide, The Inspired Entrepreneur's Guide to Living and Growing Successfully - access to a special closed Facebook group - 2 one-on-one consulting emails with me. Use these two emails for some additional inspiration, support, or to ask me a business-related question. You decide what you need most and Ill be here to support you.

Who I am looking for as a beta-tester? If you are someone that wants to improve your inner-well being and is in the startup phase of your WAH business, this is a great opportunity for you. I'd love for you to participate!

Or if you are traditionally positive minded, but sometimes have a hard time keeping your "mojo" in check, you can benefit as well.

In return for your participation, I am asking for your feedback about the guide and a review for use on my product page or in marketing materials.

Ready to roll or want to learn more? Awesome! Go here to find out all the details.
