Placing Audio Podcast Episodes on YouTube

The last time you heard from me I was sharing my thoughts on automating transcription of your podcast episodes using YouTube. Well, I received comments and inquiries from several people following that email - all asking the same thing, "Hey, Darlene. Should I be placing my audio podcast episodes on YouTube?"

Let's be real here. Not too many people are going to YouTube to consume podcast episodes. But, there may still be some benefits to posting your podcast to YouTube. For starters, if you have an existing YouTube Channel with several hundred subscribers or more, adding your podcast episodes to your channel is giving your followers bonus content. 

But more importantly, posting your episodes to YouTube might be good for SEO. Yep, Search Engine Optimization. It was bound to come up at some point! 

YouTube is Google's answer to video search. If you've searched for anything on Google lately, you'll see that in addition to web page results, videos are being returned in those results too. You might want to consider posting your audio podcast to YouTube for discoverability.  Of course, it is not necessary and I personally haven't seen an increase in downloads because my episodes are on YouTube. Just some food for thought. 

By the way, when it comes to videos and SEO: I am not an SEO expert. But if you are choosing to post a video with a two-line video description versus one with a full paragraph and directly-related keywords and web links, I believe the second option will help your videos rank that much better.