Choosing Projects that Make Your Heart Sing

Today I am sharing a story about a very serendipitous project in hopes that you will keep your eyes open to opportunities that make your heart sing and will bring you much fulfillment.

Is it serendipity or good marketing?

It all began during a mixed-up Google search meant to find a podcast producer in Victoria, B.C. but instead Google led this particular prospective client to me, Darlene Victoria in NW New Jersey! The woman didn’t even realize I was in New Jersey until I sent the work agreement for her signature.

It gets better (and this is where I believe serendipity ratcheted up it’s magic).

Being open to what’s next.

This particular client arrived in my inbox at a time when I was pressing Pause on podcast launch services. I had been pivoting in business and was consciously turning most prospective launch clients away.

However, this project spoke volumes to me.

This project resonated in ways that no other project has done in a really long time. It ignited a fire that I called to me and I had to be a part of.

I was hooked.

I knew I’d be accepting this project as soon as read this organization’s mission:

The Circle Education, formerly SWOVA, has worked for more than two decades to address violence in all forms. Founded as a “wake-up call” for action against gender-based violence. The Circle Salt Spring Education Society takes a proactive approach to prevent violence in all forms by working with young people to build healthy relationship skills.

Their project.

This organization was seeking help in finalizing a podcast where youth take the center stage on some of the biggest topics of today. Topics, we often hear adults chattering on about or even arguing about in the news, on social media, or podcasts.

Last year, The Circle brought 10 youth together to form a four-episode podcast series on mental health, climate change, beliefs, and identity. As their podcast consultant, I was able to offer outside advice (outside of their organization) on podcast content, assist with setup on a podcast host and listed in Apple and Spotify. Working on their project offered a refreshing take on big topics like the effects of social media on mental health (both the good and the bad), spiritual beliefs, and more.

A note to thank you for all your hard work with this project. You have been an absolute dream to work with – I have really enjoyed it and sad that our time together is done. Thank you for being so conscientious, responsive and diligent. You are a hard worker and I can tell work to a high level of excellence. It has been refreshing to work with you (and please use this if you’d like or I can give you something else if you need it!). I am so glad that I Google searched “podcast Victoria” and happened upon you and so glad that I was not scared away by the fact that you were in a different country!!!!

-Janine Fernandes-Hayden, Executive Director

And while Janine as the Executive Director has ended her term , the organization continues with their mission and I am excited to share the launch of their series, Juvenoia, with you! If you are interested in listening to the series, you can find their podcast, Juvenoia, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or on their website, here.

I encourage you to keep your eyes open for acts of serendipity in action and always keep up with your marketing. You never know when a Google search will unite you with your next ideal project and client.