Are You Ready to Learn Something New?

Ready to learn something new in 2020, Padawan? If so, I am ready to be your Jedi Master. 

Did you know I've had a YouTube channel since 2008? It's true. In fact, here is the first video I ever posted. I created it to promote my then virtual assistant business. You'll find somewhat of a mixed bag of content on my channel. If you dig around, you'll find some REALLY corny stop motion videos and a video of me making snow ice cream. Yes, there are some quirky videos, but most of my channel is made up of How-To videos. 

In fact, my most viewed video (with over 100k views) is how to add background music using Audacity. I also have videos about WordPress, Squarespace, and how to use some other online web tools. Here's the thing, a lot of my YouTube videos are old, outdated, or sooo 2008.

I am gearing up to produce new How-To videos and content for you - but I want to know what you actually want to learn! So, I created a super short feedback form in order to find out.

You can complete the feedback form here.

As my way of saying thank you, I created a special Episode Journaling Sheet download just for you.

Once you have completed the form successfully, the link to grab your Episode Journaling Sheet will appear.  You can use the journaling sheet to jot down notes about episodes, guests, sponsors, and more 

Hop on over here to fill out my feedback form and to grab you download

Thank you, and I hope to bring new content to my YouTube channel soon!

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